
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Roles and Responsibilities of The Qualified Nurse

Roles and Responsibilities of The commensurate NurseVANITHA RAMANINTRODUCTIONA qualified toy with is central to the grooming of safe, richly caliber nursing c ar and the backbone of the wellness cargon system. pendant nanny-goats are individually responsible for their induce practice and capture a personal responsibility to maintain their competency and meet professional standards in order to maintain their licence to serve. The image of the registered sustain has evolved with changes in march on technology, newly defined client needs and changes in the means health veneration is delivered. In this way, it is not unreasonable to expect that the role of the registered think of leave continue to evolve and change. Qualified give sucks are expected to develop their analytic problem solving and decision making skills without their nursing go (NMC, 2010)Benner (1984) proposed that nursing companionship develops through and through research and integration into clin ical arrange and experience. Importantly, experience is not a duration based activity that squeeze out plainly develop in the mount of education and knowledge acquisition. Characteristics acquired throughout the registered nurse professional career contribute to screens a sustainable profession through role modelling, clinical leaders, mentoring and coaching, supervision, teaching and research.The health neaten environment will create opportunities for nurses to work in new models of healthcare delivery that provide quality health services to individuals, families and communities and enable nurses to practise to their full professional potential (North Hughes 2012)Clinical GovernanceThe term clinical governance became prominent fol showtimeing the publication of New Labors first livid Paper on health, The New NHS Modern, Dependable (1997) and subsequently Quality in the New NHS (1998). agree to Scally and Donaldson (1998) clinical governance is a system through which organi zations are responsible for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish.Clinical governance will not tack professional self-regulation and individual clinical judgement, imaginations that lie at the heart of health care in this country, but it will add an unnecessary proportion that will provide the public with guarantees some standards of clinical care (Sam Gilbraith 1998)In another word, it can be summarized that clinical governance is a way to increase managerial control of health professions (Flynn, 2004).Clinical Governance is constitute of the following elements, Education, Clinical Audit, Clinical Effectiveness, Risk Management, Research and development and Openness. These elements are underpinned by the recognition of Communication, Teamwork and leading (Chambers et al. 2007).Flynn (2002) suggests that the pro actionration of mixed metaphors ( umbrella, model, framework, culture and mindset) indicate that thither is an inherent ambiguity about the precise nature of clinical governance. succession Travaglia et al. (2011) map the development of clinical governance as a mobilising concept in healthcare, we contribute to the literature by deconstructing prior definitions to clarify what is meant by the umbrella term clinical governance. The elements of clinical governance is tranquil of the following elements Education.Clinical audit.Clinical effectiveness.Risk management.Research and development.Openness.Good clinical leadership is required to engage the entire practice group in a commitment to excellence.EducationA good teacher not only imparts key pearls of wisdom, but also acts as an exemplary role model and has non-cognitive qualities such(prenominal) as the ability to inspire students in the scholarship process (Sutkin et al., 2008) and reflect on his/her teaching practice.AccountabilityAccountability is cognise as the key element for professional practice which is closely link with delegation (NMC, 2010). A qualified nurse failure to comply with the issues of duty such as accountable to the enduring, her professional body, criminal law, employer through a contract of employment, and society generally through the NMC. The legislation Standard of Conduct, cognitive operation and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives (NMC, 2008a) As a nurse-leader, qualified nurses are professionally accountable to all the issues/problems that occur in their ward ( ICN, 2010).They further informed that as autonomous practitioners, nurses are accountable for their own action/practice. Simply, accountability can be referred as accepting ownership for all aspect of their practice and essential be able to justify their decisions (NMC, 2008c).Mooney (2007) highlighted how ward managers expectations of newly qualified nurses were unrealistic, suggesting that pressures of the ward environment, being able to adapt and integrate quickly, and the added responsibility of accountability were especially overwhelming.Maben and McLeod Clark (1998) also noted inconsistencies in preparation for management, suggesting that while the theoretical context was adequate, the practical aspects, such as drug administration, prioritising, decision making and clinical skills were variable.Caulfield (2005) states that maintains the patients trust in the individual nurse is all important(p) for professional accountability. Similarly, Ormrod and Barlow (2011) described explicitly that every nurse is responsibility to explain or answerability to offer justification of practice. The NMC (2010) code of conduct helped me how the laws and policies are set up to keep in line safe and effective delivery of care given to service users under a patient group direction. paradox 1Staff nurse A B were on shadow duty together with an assistant nurse. All three were working in the ICU. Suddenly one of the ICU patients went into a cardiac arrest. Staff nurse A announced a code blue .Four supplys from other units responded to the code blue. Staff A B started the resuscitation process. While this happened all four respondents stood liberal as they were unaware of what to do.Solution for problem 1TeamworkTeams and teamwork help to agitate deep learning that occurs through interaction, problem solving, dialogue, cooperation and collaboration (Johnson Johnson,1995). Teamwork is defined by Scarnati (2001, p. 5) as a accommodating process that allows ordinary people to arrive at extraordinary results. Training must given to all qualified nurses and ensure that they understand the concept of teamwork so that they can build a good team.In nursing, teamwork is essential for effective management and achieving positive results (Toofany, 2007). She further enlarge that NMC stressed all nurses must act to reduce errors and provide quality patient care by being part of healthcare team. A strong foundation which consists of creative leadership, clear goals and objectives (Clevenger, 2007) and trust (Blyth, 2006) determines success of a team.Team members must be flexible enough to adapt to cooperative working environments where goals are achieved through collaboration and social interdependence quite an than individualised, competitive goals (Luca Tarricone,2001).Cipriano (2010) maintains that delegation is an underdeveloped skill among nurses which is difficult to assess as it relies on personality, communication appearance and mutual respect between the registered nurse and the healthcare assistant.Munn, Tufanaru, and Aromataris (2013), propose that there is a lack of clarity about the role of healthcare assistants complicates delegation processes. In order to build a good communication staff can be sent for team building courses so that can arouse their team work skills. According to Arnold B(1990), Team building is an effort in which a team studies its own process of working together and acts to create a climate that encourages and determine the contributions of team members. Delegation can help others to develop or enhance their skills, promotes teamwork and improves productivity Sollivan.E.J et al (2009). When delegating, the delegator remain responsible for that care if he/she do not arrogate appropriately as stated by NMC (2008) masses (1996) affirms that the crux of the team building approach is love and spirituality which results in mutual respect, compassion, and humanity to work. West (1994) emphasised that organisations need to provide teams with adequate financial resources, administrative and technical support and professional education.LeadershipHershey and Blanchard (1977) life cycle theory explains that the leadership behaviour translates to the characteristic of the follower.Table downstairs shows Hershey and Blanchards leadership behaviours and resultant leadership styleTask consanguinityLeadership styleHighLowTelling Defines the task . Giv es time frame for completion. One way communicationHighHighSelling- balances byplay for goal procurement with values. Leader in control but trys enterLowHighParticipating- getting the group to work together to accomplish the taskLowLowDelegating Leader takes a low profile. Available for consultationMorse and Reimer (1956) suggest that different style of leadership is needed in different situation thus the concept of situational leadership. howl (1960) seem to agree with Hershey and Blanchard by suggesting that the leaders should modify their leadership style to suit the people they lead.In this situation, given that the four staff nurse that responded would maintain basic knowledge on performing CPR, the ICU nurse should shake up delegated the task. This given both task and copulationship would have bedded low on the Hershey and Blanchard chart above. Delegating would have allowed the ICU nurse to assume the role of team leader to make major decision. Sarcevic, A., et al. Le adership structures in emergency care settings a study of two combat injury centers. Erratum appears in Int J Med Inform. 2011 Aug 80(8) e48. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 80(4) p. 227-38.When leaders delegate responsibility appropriately, team members become more confident and autonomous in their work (Capko 1996). Kane (1975) suggested that leadership be allocated to the team member with the most expertise, quite than being linked to professional groups. Tan (2006p.3) stated leadership as influencing followers to do what is necessary to achieve organizational goal or vision. So, to be a successful leader, leadership and management skills are combined to achieve a common goal (Tan, 2006).Capella, J, et al states that roles of the extra members need to be clearly defined to ensure optimum patient safety. Capella, J., et al. Teamwork training improves the clinical care of trauma patients. Journal of Surgical Education. 67(6) 439-43.PMid21156305 http//dx.doi.org/10.1 016/j.jsurg.2010.06.006(Blegen, 1993, Irvine Evans, 1995) divide that changing the staffing mix can impact the quality of supervisory relation and influence staff outcome. This if had been implemented would have allowed better relationship to be forged between the ICU staff and the wad staff , which would have resulted in the situation been better managed.Teaching and cultureSome studies have shown training does help define roles during resuscitation. Dagnone, J.D., et al. Interprofessional resuscitation roundsa teamwork approach to ACLS education. Medical Teacher. 2008 3049-54. PMid18464132 http//dx.doi.org/10.1080/01421590701769548.This would have helped when the ward staff responded to the code. Such training not only improves knowledge but also help define the roles and responsibility in the advent of such situation. Bradley, P., S. Cooper, and F. Duncan, A mixed-methods study of interprofessionsl learning of resuscitation skills. MedicalEducation. 2009 43 912-922. PMid197090 16 http//dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03432.xOne notable theory to consider is, David Kolbs Experiential Learning Model (ELM).According to Kolb (1984, p.41) Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Kolb seek to argue that learning can exist without a teacher and hardly through personal and environmental experience. Sabet (2005) recommended centralised, decentralised and mixed staffing system. As such having the staffs rotated at critical areas will allow them to get utilise to the practices and locations of item when handling an emergency situation.Solution.LeadershipMock code feigning training helps to improve registered nurses and first responderIt should include reflections on incidents and situations and what you have learned from them. A good model of reflective practicethat can be used is that of Gibbs (1988). Find out what happens if a member of staff is not performing as they should or is giving cause for cepha lalgia A good model of reflective practice that can be used is that of Gibbs (1988). This teaching strategy enhances learning, skills and knowledge retention, and subsequently improved advance cardiac life support outcomes (Scherer, Bruce, Graves Erdley, 2003). Wannan and York (2005) report that students knowledge could be acquired either by watching a video or through role play.Supervision on the staff during the code and give feedback for their advantageDoing statistic on improvement of resuscitationsReferencesGordon, J. (2002) Team building. Journal of American Academy of Business, 2(1), 185-189.Tuckman, B. (1965). developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63(6), 384 399.VanZile, J. (2002). Team building. In incorporate and incentive travel. Retrieved February 16, 2004, from http//www.corporate-inc-travel.com/CIT/Archives/stories2002/stories-jan2002.htmfiveBateman, A. (1990), Team building Developing a productive team, In Nebraska Cooperative Extension CC352. Retrieved February 16, 2004, from http//ianrpubs.unl.edu/misc/cc352.htm

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